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PostdocPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryPhone: +49-6421 28-22547Link: Project A4 (Gottfried)


PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryPhone: +49-6421 28-22549Link: Project A4 (Gottfried)


Former PhD-StudentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsLink: Project B10 (Gerhard)


Former PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsLink: Project B3 (M Koch/Heimbrodt)

HÖFER, Ulrich Prof. Dr.

Photo of Prof. Dr. Ulrich HÖFER
Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsRenthof 5 35032 MarburgPhone: +49-6421 28-24215Link: Project B6 (Höfer/Wallauer)Link: Project B11 (Güdde/Höfer)Link: Biography


Experimental physics, laser spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces, ultrafast electron dynamics, adsorption on semiconductor surfaces

University Education

1996Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) in Experimental Physics, TU München, “Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of silicon surfaces”
1989Doctoral degree in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), TU München, Dissertation on “High resolution photoelectron spectroscopy at surfaces: lineshapes, loss processes and applications”, thesis advisor: Prof. E. Umbach
1985Diploma degree in Physics (Dipl. Phys.), TU München, supervisor: Prof. D. Menzel
1978-1985Studies in Physics, Technische Universität (TU) München

Professional Experience

since 1999Professor (C4/W3) for Experimental Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg
1996-1999Lecturer/docent, Physik-Department, TU München
1992-1999Group Leader, Surface Dynamics, Laser Chemistry Department (Prof. K.-L. Kompa), Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik (MPQ), Garching/München
1990-1991Visiting Scientist, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York (USA), Department of Physical Sciences, Laser Science (Dr. T. F. Heinz)
1987Research Assistant, Physik-Department E20 (Prof. D. Menzel), TU München
1985-1987Manager Data Processing, Central-Molkerei Augsburg e.G.

Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification

2015Fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (Japan)
2014Selection Committee Member for the Max Planck Research Award
2014Guest Professor, Dept. of Physics, Columbia University, New York
since 2013Spokesman SFB 1083 “Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces”
2011Ikerbasque Research Professor (Basque Country, Spain)
2009Offer for a chair in Experimental Physics at the University of Würzburg (declined)
2007-2009Dean of the Physics Department, Philipps-Universität Marburg
2006Guest Professor, I.S.I.R. (Sanken Institute), University of Osaka, Japan
2006Fellow of the American Physical Society (USA)
2003-2007Managing Director, Material Sciences Center, Philipps-Universität Marburg
1999Research Fellow, Institute for Chemical Research, RIKEN, Japan
1998Adjunct Professor Institute for Quantum Electronics, TU Vienna, Austria
1995Arnold-Sommerfeld-Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Selected Publications

  1. U. Höfer
    Nonlinear optical investigations of the dynamics of hydrogen interaction with silicon surfaces
    Appl. Phys. A 63, 533 (1996).
  2. U. Höfer, I. L. Shumay, Ch. Reuß, U. Thomann, W. Wallauer, Th. Fauster
    Time-resolved coherent photoelectron spectroscopy of quantized electronic states on metal surfaces
    Science 277, 1480 (1997).
  3. K. Stepán, J. Güdde, U. Höfer
    Time-resolved measurement of surface diffusion induced by femtosecond laser pulses
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 236103 (2005).
  4. M. Dürr, U. Höfer
    Dissociative adsorption of molecular hydrogen on silicon surfaces
    Surf. Sci. Rep. 61, 465 (2006).
  5. J. Güdde, M. Rohleder, T. Meier, S. W. Koch, U. Höfer
    Time-resolved investigation of coherently controlled electric currents at a metal surface
    Science 318, 1287 (2007).
  6. H. Schwalb, S. Sachs, M. Marks, A. Schöll, F. Reinert, E. Umbach, U. Höfer
    Electron lifetime in a Shockley-type metal-organic interface state
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 146801 (2008).
  7. N. Armbrust, J. Güdde, P. Jakob, U. Höfer
    Time-resolved two-photon photoemission of unoccupied electronic states of periodically rippled graphene on Ru(0001)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 056801 (2012).
  8. M. Heyl, J. Güdde, A. L’Hullier, U. Höfer
    High-order harmonic generation with µJ laser pulses at high repetition rates
    J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. 45, 074020 (2012).
  9. U. Höfer and P. M. Echenique
    Resolubility of image-potential resonances
    Surf. Sci. 643, 203 (2016).
  10. Kuroda, J. Reimann, J. Güdde, U. Höfer
    Generation of transient photocurrents in the topological surface state of Sb2Te3 by direct optical excitation with mid-infrared pulses
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 076801 (2016).


  1. S. G. Barbee, T. F. Heinz, U. Höfer, L. Li, V. J. Silvestri, Method and apparatus for real-time, in-situ endpoint detection and closed loop etch process control (US-Patent No. 5,392,124 (1995).

HOFFMANN, Detlev M. Apl.-Prof. Dr.

ResearcherJustus-Liebig-Universität GießenInstitute of Experimental PhysicsPhone: +49-641 99-33105Link: Project B2 (Chatterjee)

HOFMANN, Philipp Dr.

Former PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryLink: Project A8 (Koert/Dürr)


PhD-studentForschungszentrum JülichPeter Grünberg Institut (PGI-3)Phone: +49-2461 61-5810Link: Project A12 (Tautz/Bocquet/Kumpf)

HUTTNER, Andrea Dr.

Former PhD studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsRenthof 7 35032 MarburgLink: Project A2 (Witte)

HUTTNER, Ulrich Dr.

Former PostdocPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsMainzer Gasse 33 35032 MarburgLink: Project B4 (SW Koch)

IP, Chun-Ho

PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryPhone: +49-6421 28-25644Link: Project A16 (Gottfried/Koert)

ITO, Suguru Dr.

PostdocPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsPhone: +49-6421 28-24108Link: Project B11 (Güdde/Höfer)

JAKOB, Peter Prof. Dr.

Photo of Prof. Dr. Peter JAKOB
Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsRenthof 5 35037 MarburgPhone: +49-6421 28-24328Link: Project A3 (Jakob)Link: BiographyLink: Group Homepage


Experimental Physics, vibrational spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces, surface chemistry, kinetics of surface processes, organic molecular beam deposition

University Education

1998Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) in Experimental Physics, TU München, “Dynamics and lateral interactions of anharmonic oscillators at surfaces”, mentor: Prof. D. Menzel
1989Doctoral degree in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), TU München, Dissertation on “Adsorption and thermal evolution of aromatic molecules on Ru(001)”, thesis advisor: Prof. D. Menzel
1985Diploma degree in Physics (Dipl. Phys.), TU München, supervisor: Prof. D. Menzel
1979-1985Studies in Physics, Technische Universität (TU) München

Professional Experience

2002-Professor (C3) for Experimental Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg
1998-2002Lecturer/docent (C2), Physik-Department, TU München
1992-1998Research Scientist (C1), Physik-Department E20 (Prof. D. Menzel), TU München
1990-1992Postdoc, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey (USA), Department of Surface Physics Research (Dr. Y.J. Chabal)
1989-1990Postdoc, Surface Chemistry, Laser Chemistry Department (Prof. K.-L. Kompa), Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik (MPQ), Garching/München
1985-1989Research Assistant, Physik-Department E20 (Prof. D. Menzel), TU München

Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification

2015-2018Vice Dean of the Physics Department, Philipps-Universität Marburg
2007-2012Examination Board Chair of the Physics Department, Philipps-Universität Marburg
1990-1992DFG-stipend: Time resolved FTIR investigations of kinetic processes at surfaces

 Selected Publications

  1. P. Jakob, B. N. J. Persson
    Probing the surface Brillouin zone by infrared absorption spectroscopy: Asymmetric line shape of vibrational combination band
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3503 (1997).
  2. M. Gsell, P. Jakob, D. Menzel
    Effect of Substrate Strain on Adsorption
    Science 280, 717 (1998).
  3. A. Schlapka, M. Lischka, A. Groß, U. Käsberger, P. Jakob
    Surface Strain versus Substrate Interaction in Heteroepitaxial Metal Layers: Pt on Ru(0001)
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 016101 (2003).
  4. K. Donner, P. Jakob
    Structural properties and site specific interactions of Pt with the graphene/Ru(0001) moiré overlayer
    J. Chem. Phys. 131, 164701 (2009).
  5. C. R. Braatz, G. Öhl, P. Jakob
    Vibrational properties of the compressed and the relaxed NTCDA monolayer on Ag(111)
    J. Chem. Phys. 136, 134706 (2012).

JÄNSCH, Heinz Prof. Dr.

Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsRenthof 5 35032 MarburgPhone: +49-6421 28-24136Link: Project Ö (Wegscheid/Dehnen)

KACHEL, Stefan Renato Dr.

Photo of Dr. Stefan Renato KACHEL
SFB ManagerPhilipps-Universität MarburgSFB 1083 OfficePhone: +49-6421 28-24223Link: Project Z (central services)


PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of PhysicsPhone: +49-6421 28-24138Link: Project A3 (Jakob)

KALFF, Carolin

PhD-studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryPhone: +49-6421 28-25639Link: Project A8 (Koert/Dürr)

KIRCHHOFF, Alexander

PhD-studentWestfälische Wilhelms-Universität MünsterDepartment of Physics, Inst. of Solid State TheoryPhone: +49-251 83-33583Link: Project A13 (Rohlfing)


Former PhD studentPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryLink: Project A8 (Koert/Dürr)

KLEMENT, Philip Dr.

PostdocJustus-Liebig-Universität GießenInstitute of Experimental PhysicsPhone: +49-641 99-33123Link: Project B2 (Chatterjee)