Summer School 2022 – Prospects and challenges of hybrid interfaces in TMDC and organic systems
26. – 28.09.2022 Hotel Schützenhof, Eitorf
Two-dimensional (2D) materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are receiving large interest because of their fascinating physical properties that result from the confinement of electronic states in such layers. Moreover, stacking different 2D materials or combining them with organic semiconductor films enables the fabrication of heterostacks with atomically sharp interfaces that show great potential for future electronic or optoelectronic device applications.
The summer school is organized by the collaborated research center (SFB 1083) and will take place in rural surroundings on the edge of the Westerwald not far from Bonn (35km) and Cologne (50km). Aimed at PhD and graduate students, it offers overview and introductory lectures on various topics ranging from fundamental chemical, physical and optoelectronic properties of TMDCs and heterostructures to experimental techniques to study their properties as well as their integration into future devices.
Student participants are also encouraged to present a poster of their own work, which should also be promoted in form of a 3-minute short presentation. We are expecting around 50 participants. The size and focus of the meeting will provide a lively and intimate atmosphere with ample opportunity for discussion.
- Electronic Structure of TMDCs and Heterostructures
- Interfaces of two-dimensional semiconductors
- Organic/inorganic interfaces
- Molecular Doping of TMDCs
- Chemical reactivity and interface formation
- Electronic and structural characterization of solid/solid interfaces
- Interface-specific optical spectroscopies
Invited Speakers
- Dr. Bernd Beschoten (RWTH Aachen)
- PD Dr. Roman Forker (Uni Jena)
- Prof. Dr. Marina Gerhard (Uni Marburg)
- PD Dr. Johanna Heine (Uni Marburg)
- Dr. Tilmar Kümmell (Uni Duisburg-Essen)
- PD Dr. Arash Rahimi-Iman (Uni Gießen)
- Prof. Dr. Paolo Samori (Université de Strasbourg)
- Dr. Malte Selig (TU Berlin)
- Prof. Dr. Andrey Turchanin (Uni Jena)
- Dr. Robert Wallauer (Uni Marburg)
Registration Deadline: 31.08.2022
Abstract Deadline: 09.09.2022
Prof. Dr. Gregor Witte (06421 28-21384)
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Koert (06421 28-26970)
Dr. Stefan Kachel (06421 28-24223)
Martina Pfeiffer (06421 28-25570)