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![Photo of Prof. Dr. Kerstin VOLZ Photo of Prof. Dr. Kerstin VOLZ]()
Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgMaterial Science Center (WZMW), Structure & Technology Research LaboratoryPhone: +49-6421 28-22297workEmail: kerstin.volz@physik.uni-marburg.deINTERNETLink: Project A5 (Volz)Link: Project A14 (Volz)Link: Project B13 (Chatterjee/Volz)Link: BiographyExpertise
Experimental physics, structural characterization, transmission electron microscopy, epitaxial growth of semiconductor structures, correlation of structural optical and growth characteristics of functional materials
University Education
2006 | Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) in Experimental Physics, Univ. Marburg, “Novel III/V semiconductor structures: from heteroepitaxial growth to quantitative nanoscale analysis” |
1999 | Doctoral degree in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.), Univ. Augsburg / GSI Darmstadt / Philipps-Universität Marburg, Dissertation on “Composition and structure of SiC films formed by ion implantation techniques”, thesis advisor: Prof. W. Ensinger |
1996 | Diploma degree in Physics (Dipl. Phys.), Univ. Augsburg, supervisor: Prof. B. Stritzker |
1990-1996 | Studies in Physics, Universität Augsburg |
Professional Experience
2018-2019 | Dean of the Department of Physics, Univ. Marburg |
since 2018 | Member of the Managing Board of the German Society for Electron Microscopy (DGE) |
since 2015 | Managing director of the WZMW |
since 2013 | Vice Speaker of the Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) “Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces” (SFB 1083) |
since 2012 | Speaker of the Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) “Funktionalisierung von Halbleitern” (GRK 1782) |
since 2010 | Heisenberg-Professor (W3) for Experimental Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
since 2009 | co-head (together with Dr. W. Stolz) of Structure and Technology Research Laboratory (STRL) of the WZMW, Philipps-Universität |
2009-2010 | Heisenberg-Professor (W2) for Experimental Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2008-2009 | Guest professor Institute of Physics, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin |
2003-2008 | DFG-Junior Research group leader, WZMW, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2002 | Guest scientist Stanford University (USA) (Prof. J. S. Harris): Feodor Lynen scholarship |
1997-2000 | Several research stays at Osaka National Research Laboratory, Japan |
Honours, Awards and other Proofs of Qualification
since 2016 | Member of the MRS medal selection committee |
2016 | Call for a chair (W3) “Advanced Materials” Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen in personal union with head of the Nanoanalytics Center, NMI, Reutlingen, declined |
2010 | Call for a chair (W3) “Angew. Physik – Halbleitermaterialien” TU Freiberg, declined |
2010 | Member at “Internetportal für exzellente Wissenschaftlerinnen” by Robert-Bosch Foundation and Spektrum-Verlag (upon recommendation by DFG) |
2009 | Patricia Pahamy teaching award, faculty of physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2008 | Heisenberg professorship of DFG |
2001 | Feodor Lynen scholarship of Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung |
1996 | Graduate Student Award of EMRS |
Selected Publications
- P. J. Klar, H. Grüning, J. Koch, S. Schäfer, K. Volz, W. Stolz, W. Heimbrodt, A. M. Kamal Saadi, A. Lindsay, E. P. O´Reillly
(GaIn)(NAs)-fine structure of the band gap due to nearest neighbour configurations of the isovalent nitrogen
Phys. Rev. B 64, 121203 (2001). - B. Kunert, K. Volz, J. Koch, W. Stolz
Direct band gap Ga(NAsP)-material system pseudomorphically grown on GaP-substrate
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 182108 (2006). - O. Rubel, I. Nemeth, W. Stolz, K. Volz,
Modelling the compositional dependence of electron diffraction in GaAs- and GaP-based compound semiconductors
Phys. Rev. B 78, 075207 (2008). - I. Németh, B. Kunert, W. Stolz, K. Volz
Heteroepitaxy of GaP on Si: Correlation of morphology, anti-phase-domain structure and MOVPE growth conditions
J. Cryst. Growth 310 (7-9), 1595 (2008). - K. Volz, D. Lackner, I. Németh, B. Kunert, W. Stolz, C. Baur, F. Dimroth, A. W. Bett
Optimization of annealing conditions of (GaIn)(NAs) for solar cell applications
J. Cryst. Growth 310 (7-9), 2222 (2008). - K. Volz, A. Beyer, W. Witte, J. Ohlmann, I. Németh, B. Kunert, W. Stolz
GaP-nucleation on exact (001) Si substrates for III/V-device integration
J. Cryst. Growth 315, 37 (2011). - P. Ludewig, N. Knaub, N. Hossein, S. Reinhard, L. Nattermann, I. P. Marko, S. R. Jin, K. Hild, S. Chatterjee, W. Stolz, S. J. Sweeney, K. Volz
Electrical injection Ga(AsBi)/(AlGa)As single quantum well laser
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (24), 242115 (2013). - A. Beyer, A. Stegmüller, J. O. Oelerich, K. Jandieri, K. Werner, G. Mette, W. Stolz, Baranovskii, R. Tonner, K. Volz
Pyramidal structure formation at the interface between III/V semiconductors and silicon
Chem. Mater. 28 (10), 3265-75 (2016). - A. Beyer, J. Belz, N. Knaub, K. Jandieri, K. Volz
Influence of spatial and temporal coherences on atomic resolution high angle annular dark field imaging
J. Ultramic. 169, 1-10 (2016).
- K. Reuter, J. Sundermeyer, A. Merkulov, W. Stolz, K. Volz, M. Pokoj, Th. Ochs, Tantalund Niob-Verbindungen und ihre Verwendung in der Chemical Vapour Deposition, (DE102005033102A1 & US2007/0042213A1 (2007)).
- K. Reuter, J. Sundermeyer, A. Merkulov, W. Stolz, K. Volz, M. Pokoj, Th. Ochs, Wolfram und Molybdän-Verbindungen und ihre Verwendung in der Chemical Vapour Deposition, (DE102006000823A1 & US 2007/0160761 A1 (2007)).
- B. Kunert, J. Koch, S. Reinhard, K. Volz, W. Stolz, III/V-Halbleiter (102005004582.0 (2005)).
- C. v. Hänisch, B. Ringler, E. Sterzer, A. Beyer, W. Stolz, K. Volz, Verwendung wenigstens einer binären Gruppe 15-Elementverbindung, eine 13/15-Halbleiterschicht und binäre Gruppe 15-Elementverbindungen (DE 10 2014 014 036.9 (2015)).