Integrated Research Training Group

The primary goal of the integrated research training group (IRTG) is to offer all doctoral students of the SFB 1083 the best possible support for their doctorate. Within the framework of the IRTG and the overarching research topic ‘Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces’, the doctoral students are firstly supported professionally in their individual doctoral project, secondly, they benefit from the strong interdisciplinary exchange in the SFB environment, which helps acquiring a scientific breadth. Furthermore, they gain valuable skills in scientific communication, knowledge transfer and assessing complex issues. Hence, they shall be prepared in an optimum way for their careers, irrespective whether they choose to stay in academia or whether they decide to join industry, etc. Key elements are a doctoral research project with a challenging and interesting topic, an international and interdisciplinary training programme, which includes a regular colloquium, optional lab exchanges, a solid supervision concept as well as annual retreats and participation in international scientific conferences. Soft-skill offers are implemented via the graduation centres of the participating institutions.

One specific measure of the IRTG is that introductory talks in the framework of the SFB colloquia are given. These are intended to give the master and PhD students an easy access to the colloquiums topic. The introductory talks will be recorded and are available here (password-protected) or on the SFB homepage of the Philipps University Marburg (only in the intranet).

Prof. Dr. Ulrich KOERT

Principal InvestigatorPhilipps-Universität MarburgDepartment of ChemistryPhone: +49-6421 28-26970Project A8 (Koert/Dürr)Project A16 (Gottfried/Koert)Project MGK (Koert/Witte)Biography

Martina Pfeiffer, secretary