Poster Presentation Prize at DPT 2022 in Karlsruhe

Marleen Axt (B6) was awarded for the best poster presentation at the 26th German Conference of Women in Physics („Deutsche Physikerinnentagung“, DPT) in Karlsruhe

Poster: „Time-resolved second-harmonic imaging microscopy: Ultrafast processes in ultrathin materials“ by M. Axt, J. E. Zimmermann, G. Mette, and U. Höfer (Philipps-Universität Marburg).

The German Conference of Women in Physics takes place annually since 1997. Supported by the German Physical Society (DPG), it offers female scientists of all areas of physics and at different carrier levels – from student to professor as well as physicists in industry – the possibility for networking and professional exchange. The 2022 conference had 250 participants and was hosted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) from November 24-27, 2022.

In her contribution, Marleen Axt (project B6) reported on investigations of ultrafast charge-transfer processes between van-der-Waals monolayers of different twist angles by means of time-resolved second-harmonic imaging microsocopy, a technique developed by the Höfer group. The experiments provide insight into fundamental electronic properties at interfaces.

Dr. Philip Klement (B2 & B13) receives the dissertation prize of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

We congratulate Dr. Philip Klement on receiving the 2021/22 dissertation prize of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen in the category natural sciences for his excellent dissertation.

Prof. Martin Kramer (r.) and Prof. Volker Wissemann (m.) congratulate Dr. Philip Klement (l.). Photo: JLU / Roland Duss

Philip Klement advanced the understanding of interfaces by his studies on the influence between materials and their environment. Interfaces ‒ junctions between materials ‒ are crucial for the design and performance of modern electronic devices. The impact of interfaces on the materials properties increases continuously as structures become smaller.

In his dissertation “Interface Phenomena in Two-Dimensional Materials” Philip Klement combined the dynamic and highly competitive research areas of two-dimensional materials and organic-inorganic perovskites to gain innovative insights. In his central work, he discovered free-standing, single layers of an organic-inorganic mixed crystal ‒ something not deemed feasible before. Further, he discovered the thickness dependence of the emission wavelength of this material ‒ an effect which was to date unknown. These results may enable the facile color tuning in next-generation efficient and sustainable lighting and display technologies.

Philip Klement continues to explore these new developments and opportunities as a member of the SFB projects B2 (Chatterjee) & B13 (Chatterjee/Volz), and in close collaboration with A15 (Heine).

Please see the coverage of the award ceremony for more impressions and a recent audio interview of Dr. Klement and Prof. Chatterjee for more details of their research (both in German).

Orbital Cinema and Cyclacenes: European Research Council awards two ERC Synergy Grants to SFB 1083 members

The European Research Council (ERC) awarded two Synergy Grant to the SFB-related projects “Photoemission Orbital Cinematography: An ultrafast wave function lab” (Orbital Cinema) and “Tackling the Cyclacene Challenge” (TACY).

The ERC has awarded two Synergy Grants to Michael Gottfried, Ulrich Höfer, Stefan Tautz, and collaborators, for projects that built on work in SFB 1083.

Foto: Jan Hosan

Michael Gottfried, Vice Speaker of SFB 1083, receives around 4.5 million euros for “Tackling the Cyclacene Challenge” (TACY). Cyclacenes are an elusive class of ring-shaped carbon-based molecules with unique electronic and magnetic properties. They are expected to provide fundamental insight into the chemistry of strained aromatic systems and to find applications in organic electronic and spintronics. The TACY team, which includes Michael Mastalerz from Heidelberg and Holger Bettinger from Tübingen, pursues the goal of generating cyclacenes for the first time. The ERC funds this project with around 11 million euros.

Foto: Jan Hosan

The second Synergy Grant was awarded to Ulrich Höfer and Stefan Tautz, project leaders of SFB 1083, and their collaborators Rupert Huber from Regensburg and Peter Puschnig from Graz. Ulrich Koert and Jens Güdde, two other SFB 1083 project leaders, are associated partners. Their project “Photoemission Orbital Cinematography: An ultrafast wave function lab”, in short “Orbital Cinema”, aims to reach sub-cycle time resolution in orbital videography and to actively shape and functionalize molecular orbitals with lightwaves. This project is funded with up to 11.4 million euros.

For further information about these projects, see the following: