Johannes Reimann (Project B6) receives Poster-Award at ICFSI-16

We congratulate Johannes Reimann, PhD-student in the research group of Prof. Höfer, who received a poster-prize for his outstanding presentation at the 16th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-16) in Hannover.

In his contribution, Johannes Reimann presented new insights into the generation and control of spin polarized photocurrents in the Dirac Cone of the topological insulator Sb2Te3 by means of time and angle resolved two-photon photoemission (2PPE). The experimental results allow for a better understanding of the fundamental processes governing the electron dynamics inside the topological surface states of this material class.

The work was undertaken within the DFG priority program “Topological Insulators: Materials-Fundamental Properties-Devices” (SPP 1666) and in close collaboration with project B6 of Prof. Höfer.

ICFSI-16 is part of a biannual conference series primarily focused on phenomena at surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures that are of strong current interest, ranging from characterization at the atomic scale to prospects of applications.

Poster “Optical control of ultrafast currents in the topological surface state of Sb2Te3” by J. Reimann1, K. Kuroda1,2, K. A. Kokh3, O. E. Tereshchenko3, A. Kimura4, J. Güdde1, U. Höfer1 (1 Philipps-Universität-Marburg, 2 University of Tokyo, 3 Russian Academy of Sciences and Novosibirsk State University, 4 Hiroshima University) – 16th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-16) July 02 – 07, 2017, Hannover, Germany.

Kick-Off for the new funding period

SFB 1083 kick-started the new funding period with a workshop and public lecture

SFB 1083 kick-off workshop for its second funding period focussed on its new external projects based at the Peter-Grünberg-Institute, part of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, and the University of Münster.
Special highlight of the day was the widely announced invited lecture by Prof. Dr. Pedro M. Echenique from the Donostía International Physics Center in San Sebastián, Spain.

Dr. Alrun Hauke (Project A2) receives Dr. Walter-Seipp-Preis for her dissertation at TU Dresden

The SFB congratulates Dr. Alrun Hauke, a young postdoc in project A2 (Witte), for being awarded the annual Dr.-Walter-Seipp-Prize of Commerzbank Dresden in recognition of her outstanding PhD-dissertation on “Vertical Organic Field-Effect Transistors – On the Understanding of a Novel Device Concept” submitted at Technical University Dresden in 2016.

Initiated in the Nineties, Commerzbank Dresden each year honors the three highest-ranked theses submitted at the Technical University Dresden during the year before. On June 30, the Commerzbank in a small ceremony in its Event-Lounge in Dresden honored the three top-rated PhD-theses of 2016. The prize for the best dissertation, the Dr. Walter-Seipp-Preis and 4000 EUR, was awarded to Dr. Hauke.

Dr. Alrun Hauke’s thesis research was in the field of organic electronics under the guidance of Prof. Karl Leo (Inst. of Applied Physics) which led to a better understanding of a novel organic transistor, the so-called Vertical Organic Field-Effect Transistor (OFET). By combining experiments and data gained from device simulations she was able to identify the key parameters governing device operation as well as demonstrate improved devices with MOSFET-like inversion mode operation (MOSFET metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor=. The latter was facilitated by the concept of molecular doping, one of the primary research interests at the Institute of Applied Physics at TU Dresden.

We are pleased to have attracted Dr. Hauke to Marburg, where she joined project A2 in fall 2016. Within this project she now investigates interfaces between organic semiconductors and 2D materials with respect to their structural and electronic properties.

See also a press release in German issued by TU Dresden for more detail.