Entries by sfb1083

Kenta Kuroda honored with “Academic Lecture Encouragement Prize”

At the 36th academic lecture sponsored by the Japan Surface Science Association (SSSJ) held at the Nagoya International Conference Hall on November 29th in 2016, Kuroda gave an excellent general presentation on “Ultrafast dynamics of Dirac surface states in topological insulators” which is expected to make a significant contribution to […]

SFB 1083 Winter School at Schloss Rauischholzhausen

SFB 1083’s biannual winter school for its young researchers More than 50 young staff-members involved in the various physics- and chemistry-based SFB 1083 subprojects have come together in Schloss Rauischholzhausen near Marburg for two days of talks and intensive discussion of their research. Invited speakers from Germany and abroad round […]