Entries by sfb1083

Johannes Reimann (Project B6) receives Poster-Award at ICFSI-16

We congratulate Johannes Reimann, PhD-student in the research group of Prof. Höfer, who received a poster-prize for his outstanding presentation at the 16th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-16) in Hannover. In his contribution, Johannes Reimann presented new insights into the generation and control of spin polarized […]

Kick-Off for the new funding period

SFB 1083 kick-started the new funding period with a workshop and public lecture SFB 1083 kick-off workshop for its second funding period focussed on its new external projects based at the Peter-Grünberg-Institute, part of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, and the University of Münster. Special highlight of the day was the widely […]