Entries by sfb1083

Dynamics of charge transfer excitons at PFP/PEN interfaces – Publication by B2 (Chatterjee) and A2 (Witte)

Members from projects B2 and A2 explored the dynamics of charge-transfer excitons at the internal interface in heterostructures of the organic donor-acceptor molecules pentacene and perfluoropentacene. Organic photovoltaics is a vivid research field as it promises the fabrication of large scale and thin film devices on flexible supports. One of […]

B2 (Chatterjee) & A2 (Witte)
A. Rinn et. al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

Interfacial Molecular Packing Determines Exciton Dynamics in Molecular Heterostructures: The Case of Pentacene − Perfluoropentacene A. Rinn, T. Breuer, J. Wiegand, M. Beck, J. Hübner, R. C. Döring, M. Oestreich, W. Heimbrodt, G. Witte and S. Chatterjee ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2017) DOI:10.1021/acsami.7b11118 List of all SFB 1083 publications.

Alexander Lerch (B6) receives poster-prize at ESPMI9 in Singapore

Alexander Lerch, PhD-student in project B6 (Höfer/Wallauer) received an “ACS Nano Poster Prize” for his presentation at the international workshop EPSMI9 in Singapore. We congratulate Alexander Lerch for being awarded a prize for his poster-presentation at the international workshop on “Electronic Structure and Processes at Molecular-Based Interfaces” (EPSMI9) in Singapore. […]