Entries by sfb1083

Hepp et al. J. Cryst. Growth

Correlation of interface structure and optical properties of Ga(N,As) and Ga(As,Bi) based type-II hetero structures T. Hepp, S. Firoozabadi, R. Günkel, V. Chejarla, O. Maßmeyer, A. Beyer, K. Volz J. Cryst. Growth 651 (2025) 127976 DOI:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2024.127976 List of all SFB 1083 publications.

Souri et al. J. Phys. Chem. Lett.

Ultrafast Time-Domain Spectroscopy Reveals Coherent Vibronic Couplings upon Electronic Excitation in Crystalline Organic Thin Films S. Souri, D. Timmer, D.C. Lünemann, N. Hadilou, K. Winte, A. De Sio, M. Esmann, F. Curdt, M. Winklhofer, S. Anhäuser, M. Guerrini, A.M. Valencia, C. Cocchi, G. Witte, C. Lienau J. Phys. Chem. Lett. […]

Erkensten et al. Phys. Rev. B

Stability of Wigner crystals and Mott insulators in twisted moiré structures D. Erkensten, S. Brem, R. Perea-Causin, E. Malic Phys. Rev. B 110 (2024) 155132 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.110.155132 List of all SFB 1083 publications.