Entries by sfb1083

35. Erfinderlabor: Scientific curiosity of the next Generation

Hessen’s young MINT scientists conduct research on hydrogen and renewable energies within the SFB 1083 and Philipps University Marburg The 35th Inventors’ Lab (Erfinderlabor) of the Center for Chemistry (Zentrum für Chemie, ZFC) has successfully entered its finale. This year’s event was once again organized by the ZFC in cooperation […]

Synthesis of 2D Gallium Sulfide with Ultraviolet Emission by MOCVD – Publication by A4 (Gottfried), A5 (Volz), A14 (Volz) and B2 (Chatterjee) in Small

In a joint study of the projects A4, A5, A14 and B2, the two-dimensional growth of GaS on sapphire by MOCVD was successfully studied and the layers were characterized using a wide variety of techniques. 2D materials exhibit the potential to transform semiconductor technology. Their rich compositional and stacking varieties […]

Maßmeyer et al.

Synthesis of 2D Gallium Sulfide with Ultraviolet Emission by MOCVD O. Maßmeyer, R. Günkel, J. Glowatzki, P. Klement, B. Ojaghi Dogahe, S.R. Kachel, F. Gruber, M. Müller, M. Fey, J. Schörmann, J. Belz, A. Beyer, J.M. Gottfried, S. Chatterjee, K. Volz Small (2024) 2402155 DOI:10.1002/smll.202402155 List of all SFB 1083 […]